Qube Cinema Announces Wire Safe Option for Qube Wire Enterprise Customers


CinemaCon, March 29, 2017: Qube Wire enterprise users will now have access to increased security and assurance thanks to Wire Safe. Announced today at CinemaCon, the latest enhancement to Qube Wire’s key management and DCP delivery service will allow enterprise customers to have their keys stored on a Qube Wire Hardware Security Module (HSM) from Thales within their own premises, to ensure an added layer of control over their content and keys.

Wire Safe customers can purchase redundant Wire Safe HSMs and will only need to provide power and internet connectivity. Once installed, Wire Safe customers can work exactly like other users of Qube Wire, accessing the Qube Wire web service from anywhere in the world to manage their distribution of DCPs and KDMs. The Qube Wire system will utilise the customer’s own Wire Safe HSM to generate all their KDMs.

Customers interested in the Wire Safe option can contact Qube Cinema at sales@qubecinema.com or visit booth # 2824Aat CinemaCon 2017.

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